Friday, March 30, 2007

Welcome to the Team !!!

Hello and welcome,

Identity Theft is in the news everyday. The identity theft protection industry is in its infancy. There is NO doubt this arena will mature just like other outsourced risk categories (i.e auto, life, health and home) It is being compared to the birth of the computer virus at the turn of the new millenium. Experts estimate that over 70% of the U.S consumer public will own some form of identity theft protection in the next 36-48 months. In other words it will go through its economic 'S Curve' at a break neck speed.

Someone will market protection to them... will it be you?

This is your opportunity to posture yourself in front of your existing clients or sphere of influence as the authority on the subject. As the consumer public recognizes the social proof of identity theft that surrounds them, you will be their 'point of reference.'

A rising tide raises ALL ships... BUT your boat has to be in the water !!!

Empowering individuals\businesses with the information you will glean by your association with us will open numerous doors and help you reach all of your financial goals.

We are committed 110% to your success in this business.

David Bruerd, CITRMS
Holly Yoes

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