Monday, April 9, 2007

Sounds Familiar

An article was just published in the American Bar Association Journal.

The article details how a lawyer has come up with a 'new concept' of having home parties for estate planning packages. This concept sounds familiar. Can you say Pre-Paid Legal?

Included in this attorneys estate planning package is a basic will, healthcare proxy, and a durable power of attorney. For this, the attorney gives a $25 discount off his normal feee of ONLY $500.

ONLY $500 for what PPL does (and a PPL Legal Plan does a whole lot more) for $17 per month.

"But Haroutunian thinks his take on the Tupper­ware party could be just as big. He’s contemplating creating a franchise for the will-signing party, and he thinks there will be no shortage of takers. In fact, just the other day, he says, an Ohio attorney who got wind of the idea called him to learn more. "

Seize the opportunity you have before you.

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