Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tax-related identity theft rose 644%, IRS official says

Tuesday, July 8th 2008, 11:21 AM

Tax-related identity theft grew more than seven times over a four-year period ending Sept. 30, according to a new report that said efforts by the Internal Revenue Service to deal with problem are further hurting victims.

Nina Olson, the National Taxpayer Advocate, said in a report to Congress that identity theft is one of the biggest problems facing taxpayers today. She said her office handled 644 percent more cases in fiscal 2007 than in fiscal 2004 as crooks used stolen Social Security numbers to seek fraudulent refunds or employment.

Efforts by the IRS to combat the problem have resulted in delayed or frozen refunds for legitimate taxpayers or collection actions such as liens and levies. The IRS also has trouble preventing income, and tax liability, earned by workers using stolen Social Security numbers from being allocated incorrectly to the real owner of the number.

"While the IRS is reforming some aspects of its approach to identity theft, its procedures for dealing with victims have been a significant part of the problem," Olson said in the 156-page report released by the IRS today. The mid-year report is one of two required by law.

Olson also said the IRS must do a better job educating taxpayers about rules for avoiding taxes on forgiven debt.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

MORE Webinars to help you build your business

Online Business Briefing and First Step Training

Wednesday nights there are TWO ONLINE BUSINESS BRIEFINGS and FIRST STEP TRAININGS. This will NOT replace weekly business briefings or luncheons in your local market. It will simply add ANOTHER EXPOSURE PROCESS to help EVERYONE CAPITALIZE ON THE NEW EXPANSION BONUSES! Get your guests on the webinar.

Everyone can register on Larry Smith and Michael Dorseys Team website at or and click on the link that says WEBINAR INFO.

First Webinar: 7pm EST/6pm CST/5pm MST/4pm PST/4pm AZ
Second Webinar: 10pm EST/9pm CST/8pm MST/7pm PST/7pm AZ

Hosted by: Inaugural Millionaire Club Members Michael Dorsey and Larry Smith You may need to call in to the conference line in order to hear the information.

Register for a session now by clicking a date below:

Wed, Jul 9, 2008 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT Check your local time zone

Wed, Jul 9, 2008 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM EDT Check your local time zone

Once registered you will receive an email confirming your registrationwith information you need to join the Webinar.

System RequirementsPC-based attendeesRequired: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista

Macintosh®-based attendeesRequired: Mac OS® X 10.4 (Tiger®) or newer

Webinars to Build Your Business

There are three exciting webinars taking place each week.

1) Register now for the 1st Step Training & Ring Earners Retention Webinar- Wednesday night 9:30pm ET! Listen to the conference and watch the presentation online. You must register for every webinar you attend.

This webinar is for all associates. Get on the same page as the Top Producers; listen in as we teach you how to increase the number of CFT Associates qualifying for Associate. Learn how to increase your income by 35% through the Remarkable Retention concepts used by those building a solid long term book of business.

2) Register now for the Recruiting Webinar with Platinums John Hoffman and Patrick Shaw at These are held each Wednesday and Thursday at 1:30 pm ET.
You must register for each webinar each week. A link to the web meeting will be emailed to you after registration. Then when your webinar takes place, call in to 712-432-7525 pin 879532# and follow the link in your email to join our web meeting online!

If you are having a challenge registering for a webinar, please access the Tips for Registering for Webinars. It covers operating system requirements, how to adjust the cookies settings, firewalls and pop-up blockers.

Wednesday night 1st Step
Wed & Thurs Recruiting

The webinar information and Tips will be hosted on John Hoffman's Team site on and

Business Building Tip: Forward this to your prospects and have them join our live presentations!

See you online!

Businesses Falling Short Of Privacy Laws

July 7, 2008
Businesses Falling Short Of Privacy Laws
By Ana Patricia Ferrey,
A growing number of businesses are struggling with increasingly complex privacy laws and often falling short of compliance when it comes to safeguarding consumer data, a new survey finds.
Despite boosting privacy protection budgets and enacting stricter policies, many high-earning companies still aren't meeting federal and state requirements, according to Iron Mountain, a Boston-based data protection firm.

In a recent survey of 115 professionals that oversee their company's privacy efforts, only 59 percent said they felt familiar enough with their state's privacy laws, while a third failed to recognize federal mandates on a questionnaire.

Colleen Langevin, a vice president at Iron Mountain, said it's no longer enough for companies to simply say they have a policy in place for destroying sensitive information.

"Now organizations must prove their policies and procedures actually work," Langevin said in a statement.

She said businesses must demonstrate efforts to document privacy policies, train employees, audit their behavior and oversee service providers.

The Federal Trade Commission's Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act, or FACTA, which includes stricter measures for safeguarding consumer data, is expected to go into force later this year.