Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Webinars to Build Your Business

There are three exciting webinars taking place each week.

1) Register now for the 1st Step Training & Ring Earners Retention Webinar- Wednesday night 9:30pm ET! Listen to the conference and watch the presentation online. You must register for every webinar you attend. www1.gotomeeting.com/register/695491333

This webinar is for all associates. Get on the same page as the Top Producers; listen in as we teach you how to increase the number of CFT Associates qualifying for Associate. Learn how to increase your income by 35% through the Remarkable Retention concepts used by those building a solid long term book of business.

2) Register now for the Recruiting Webinar with Platinums John Hoffman and Patrick Shaw at livecompanyoverview.com These are held each Wednesday and Thursday at 1:30 pm ET.
You must register for each webinar each week. A link to the web meeting will be emailed to you after registration. Then when your webinar takes place, call in to 712-432-7525 pin 879532# and follow the link in your email to join our web meeting online!

If you are having a challenge registering for a webinar, please access the Tips for Registering for Webinars. It covers operating system requirements, how to adjust the cookies settings, firewalls and pop-up blockers.

Wednesday night 1st Step webinarwww1.gotomeeting.com/register/695491333
Wed & Thurs Recruiting Webinarslivecompanyoverview.com

The webinar information and Tips will be hosted on John Hoffman's Team site on pplworld.com and pplworldFirstStep.com

Business Building Tip: Forward this to your prospects and have them join our live presentations!

See you online!

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