Tuesday, May 1, 2007

SCAM ALERT: 'Credit Repair' Scam

Their has been a rising trend of identity fraud in which companies promise to create a new credit history for consumers by filing false documents with credit bureaus claiming the consumer fell victim to identity theft.

Consumers and companies alike are appealing to legitimate fraud resolution organizations for help by submitting false documents intending to appear as victims of fraud as a means to clear bad credit debt history and unload unpaid debts. False documents such as police reports, credit card accounts and identity theft affidavits are the tools these scam artists use to misrepresent their claims to credit bureaus.

Credit bureaus are seeing more identity theft resolution claims that are actually “credit repair” fraud in disguise. Some experts at credit bureaus estimate 50 percent of disputes are credit-repair related and 25 percent of identity theft claims now contain altered police reports.

One woman contacted a fraud specialist claiming several fraudulent credit card accounts were opened in her name while she was in prison, leaving her with thousands of dollars of bogus debt. The specialist found the police report doctored, the prison time inaccurate and several fraudulent documents in her file.

This scam also has a negative impact on the very institutions that are currently helping consumers who have been victims of identity theft. Resources are tight among police forces and credit institutions and the influx of false claims continues to draw attention away from the real victims.

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